Support NEMO
Collaborative partners
National partners
NEMO works with a large group of partners on producing programmes and exhibitions. These partners contribute their own expertise and/or contacts with their own target groups.
Platform Bèta Techniek (a science and technology programme), Cito (a testing and assessment company), Bio-wetenschappen en maatschappij (the Life Sciences and Society Foundation), the Young Academy, the Freudenthal Institute for Science and Mathematics Education, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), Rathenau Instituut, the Technology Foundation STW, University of Amsterdam, the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), Paradiso (concert hall, club and cultural centre), De Balie (centre for the freedom of speech, contemporary art, politics, culture, cinema and media), De Volkskrant newspaper, Klokhuis (educational show for early teenagers), NTR (independent public service broadcaster specializing in information, education and culture), VPRO (broadcasting association), SciCom (scientific communications agency) and many educational institutions.
Partner museums
Boerhaave Museum, Teylers Museum, Museum of Science (Boston) and Copernicus Science Center (Poland).
International Partners
Ecsite is the European network of science centers and museums. With more than 400 members in 50 countries, Ecsite connects members through projects and activities, facilitating the exchange of best practices and ideas. Ecsite was NEMO’s partner in numerous European projects.
International science centers and museums
NEMO collaborates with individual science centers and museums in almost every European country, from Portugal to Poland, Sweden and Israel. Beyond Europe we collaborate with museums in the United States such as the Boston Science Museum and the Exploratorium.
European Universities
European collaborative projects provide an opportunity to work with leading universities in the field of science communication. Some examples: Kings College in London and Manchester Metropolitan University in the United Kingdom. We also work with universities in numerous other countries such as Italy, Denmark, Germany and Spain.
European networks
We participate in European collaborative projects with various networks such as the European Science Events Association (EUSEA) and the European Regions Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN).
European Research Organizations
Through projects with research organizations across Europe we reach audiences across Europe. Some examples are the European Space Agency or national organizations such as the Athena Institute based in Amsterdam, or the Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie, based in Germany and many more.
Public and private schools from Greece to Sweden, and the Czech Republic to France, have been NEMO’s partners in various European collaborative projects. They provide an opportunity to interact with the formal education sector on a European-wide scale.